Claims Processing
Manage every claim with lightning-fast kid gloves.
Process claims with a level of experience that ensures unparalleled operational efficiency and continuous improvement.
Leverage more than 50 years of advanced claims management experience to refine your claims management services. Our operations utilize high-volume imaging, data capture, and a transaction and forms processing system that can scan any form, claim, or document to support electronic transaction processing, storage, and retrieval. We help you eliminate the lag of paper processes and the storage requirements of paper documents.

With Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems, you can convert paper claims to electronic formats that virtually eliminate error-prone manual data entry, significantly reduce labor costs, and improve your overall quality. Complete the circle with electronic workflow management that automatically routes, ages, and processes transactions, a process improvement that could reduce your costs by 25% or more.
We never let speed undermine quality. Claims are processed using a series of validity, consistency, utilization, and coverage edits and audits before review. With the automated quality checks complete, claims service staff can review to determine allowable services or reduction or denial of payment.